Michael Schwartz Library
Research Help
Start with our Research Guides, designed by specialists for focused research. Each guide pulls together subscription databases and other resources to help you succeed. Or go directly to our full listings of research databases, e-books, and journals.
TIP: Use RefWorks to help you organize your research and format your bibliography and footnotes!
Find Books, Video, Audio
- WorldCat@CSU - Find books, articles, and more in the CSU Libraries, OhioLINK, or worldwide in one single search.
- Scholar - The online catalog for both the Michael Schwartz Library and the Law Library of Cleveland State University. Scholar allows users to locate materials that the university physically owns or owns access to. Video Help
- OhioLINK - Find and borrow books, video and audio materials from 85 Ohio colleges & universities.
Public Libraries:
- Cleveland Public Library Catalog - Holdings of the Cleveland Public Library, one of the nation's major urban library systems, and the 27 CLEVNET public library consortium member libraries.
- Cuyahoga County Public Library Catalog - Holdings contained in four large regional and 24 branch libraries.
- SearchOhio - Holdings from 19 Ohio public libraries including Cuyahoga County Public Library, Akron-Summit County Public Library, and Mentor Public Library to name a few.
Tip: Use Interlibrary Loan Services to get books you need that are not in the Michael Schwartz Library or in OhioLINK
Find E-books
- Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts (includes Project Gutenberg and Internet Archives, etc.)
- Cleveland Memory e-Book collection
- Dissertations & Theses @ Cleveland State University (CSU full text doctoral dissertations in PDF format, 1997-present)
- ebrary - (thousands of full text books)
- ebrary Searchable Information Center on Cyber Bullying
- EBSCO eBook Collection (formerly netLibrary)
- EServer Books Collection (fiction, nonfiction and poetry)
- Google Book Search
- GPO Access (provides free public access to full-text, official Federal information, Federal information finding aids, and Federal products for sale.)
- The Great Books and Classics of Western Civilization (the seminal works of literature that have influenced Western culture)
- Gutenberg-E (e-books from the American Historical Association and Columbia University Press)
- HathiTrust Digital Library - As a digital repository for the nation's great research libraries, the library brings together the massive digitized collections of partner institutions. The initial focus has been on preserving and providing access to digitized book and journal content from the partner library collections.
- The Internet Archive: Text Archive
- LearningExpress Library (Need a valid CSU ID to use.)
- Library of American Civilization Titles (list of documents in this series that are available in full text)
- Michael Schwartz Library eBook Collections (Access via ebrary to some of the specialized materials available in the Michael Schwartz Library at Cleveland State University)
- National Academies Press (More than 4,000 National Academies Press PDFs available to download for free. The National Academies include the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council.)
- netLibrary - became EBSCO eBook Collection (7/22/11)
- Ohio Digital Bookshelf (online textbooks.)
- OhioLINK Electronic Book Center (thousands of scholarly and reference e-books in the humanities, sciences and social sciences)
- OhioLINK ETD Center (full text theses & dissertations from Ohio universities; CSU Dec. 2007-present)
- The Online Books Page (a directory of books that can be freely read on the Internet)
- Perseus Digital Library (Tufts University)
- Project Gutenberg Index (broad range of older books and collections)
- Safari Tech Books Online (broad range of technical books from leading publishers including O'Reilly; free to CSU and OhioLINK affiliates)
- Springerlink - Access to selected English language, 2005-2007 imprints.
- Working paper series (National Bureau of Economic Research) (NBER researchers initially report their findings in working papers.)
TIP: Use the Scholar catalog to find eBooks by doing an "Advanced Search. " Type in your search terms, then choose "EBOOK" from the "Material type" drop-down menu.
Find Journals, Journal Articles
- WorldCat@CSU - Find books, articles, and more in the CSU Libraries, OhioLINK, or worldwide in one single search.
- Research Databases - The Michael Schwartz Library provides you with access to a wide array of electronic indexes and abstracting services, commonly referred to as "research databases." These databases will either link to the full text of the article or a short description of it.
- Electronic Journal Center (OhioLINK) - includes the full text of more than 4,300 online research journals covering many subject areas.
- Journal A-Z List - find out which journals, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, & newsletters the Library has in its print or online collections.
- JSTOR - The Scholarly Journal Archives - provides electronic access to the full text of the backfiles of selected academic journals. More about JSTOR.
- Google Scholar - enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Not all text may be freely accessible.
Olinks: OLinks is a service that makes it easy for you to connect from a citation in a research database to electronic full text for that item and/or information about its availability in print. Wherever you see this logo , Olinks is working to provide you with the information you need.
Tip: Use Interlibrary Loan Services to get books you need that are not in the Michael Schwartz Library or in OhioLINK.
Get Help & Instruction
- Video Help Tutorials: You may see this logo, Video Help, throughout the Library web site. It is a link to a video that will instruct you on the use of various research tools. Current Video Help tutorials include:
- Instructional Videos for General Research:
- Instructional Videos for Educational Research (EDB 301/601):
- Finding Articles in Education Research Complete
- Finding Articles in ERIC
- Finding Books on a Topic
- Using Tests and Mental Measurements
- Finding Dissertations and Theses
- Off-Campus Access - Connecting to Research Databases from off-campus
- Finding Books, Audio, Video, Etc.
- Finding Articles & Journals
- Finding ERIC Documents in the Michael Schwartz Library
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Glossary of Library Terms
- Virtual Reference - Online reference resources organized by subject
- Writing & Citing
- Ask Your Personal Librarian