Michael Schwartz Library
Research Databases Alphabetical List
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- Abstracts in Anthropology: Covers a broad spectrum of significant, current anthropological topics from a vast number of periodicals, providing a thorough coverage of anthropological scholarship in all its subfields, cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology and linguistics.
- Academic OneFile: A collection of peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources, with extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature, and other subject; intended primarily for academic researchers.
- Academic Search Complete (1984-): Index, abstracts, and full text for many scholarly publications covering all academic areas of study.
- Accessible Archives (1728-1870-): Provides the full text of articles from more than a dozen American newspapers and magazines from the 18th-19th centuries.
- ACM Digital Library (1947-): Full text of journal and conference papers from the Association for Computing Machinery.
- ACS Publications (American Chemical Society) (1879-): A comprehensive collection of the most-cited, peer-reviewed publications in the chemical and related sciences.
- AgeLine: An online database containing detailed summaries of more than 90,000 publications about older adults and aging, including books, journal and magazine articles, research reports, dissertations, and videos.
- AGRICOLA (1970-): Consists of over 2.5 million citations to journal articles, monographs, theses, patents, software, audio-visual materials, and technical reports and encompasses all aspects of agriculture and allied disciplines.
- AHFS Consumer Medication Information (formerly Lexi-PALS): A database of Patient Advisory Leaflets from Lexi-Comp that provides vital education on medications for patients.
- Alt-Health Watch (1978-): Index, abstracts, and full text covering complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
- America: History and Life: Index to articles on the history and culture of the United States and Canada.
- American & English Literature: Full text of books and other sources originally published in print. Also includes 21 historic editions of the Bible in English.
- American National Biography (2000-): Biographical dictionary of about 17,500 notable American men and women from all eras of American history who are no longer alive.
Note: This database has been cancelled. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13) - American Periodicals Series Online (1740-1900): Digitized images of the pages of over 1,100 historic American magazines, journals, and newspapers.
- America's Historical Newspapers: Early American newspapers published between 1690 and 1922, including titles from all 50 present states.
- Ancestry Library Edition (1300- ): Genealogical coverage of the U.S. and the U.K., including census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada and other areas. On-campus use only.
- Annual Bibliography of English Language & Literature (1920-1997): Index to books, articles, reviews, collections, and dissertations in English studies.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/01/13) - AP Images: Contains approximately 500,000 photos and selections of pictures from the AP image and print negative library. Pictures cover local, state, national and international subjects. Updated daily.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/26/13) - APA PsycNET: Index and abstracts of articles, books, chapters, dissertations, and reports in psychology.
- ArchiveGrid: A resource for searching through nearly a million collection descriptions from thousands of libraries, museums, and archives.
- Art Full Text (OSearch)(1984-): Covers more than 250 key international, English-language arts publications, includes periodicals, yearbooks, museum bulletins, competition and award notices, exhibition listings, interviews, film reviews, and so forth.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. . Please use the EBSCOHost version below. (02/01/13) - Art Full Text (EBSCOhost)(1984): Offers full text plus abstracts and indexing of an international array of peer-selected publications in the field of art and related subject areas.
- Art Index Retrospective (1929-1984): Helps users find contemporary criticism of art at the time of its debut, track the body of work of an artist or movement, find artists’ interviews and other commentary, and much more.
- ARTbibliographies Modern (1974-): Provides abstracts of the current literature of modern art, photography, and design. Updated semi-annually.
- ArticleFirst (1990-): Index to articles from over 12,000 journals.
- Arts and Humanities Citation Index (1980-): Index and cited references for articles in the arts and humanities.
- ARTstor: Searchable database of digital images and associated information, with new image collections added several times a year. ARTstor covers the fields of architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, design, anthropology, ethnographic and women's studies, as well as many other forms of visual culture. Explore the breadth of topics covered. Users can search, view, download and organize images.
- ArXiv.org e-Print Archive: An e-print service which presents papers in physics and related disciplines, mathematics, nonlinear science, computer science, and quantitative biology.
- ASCE Research Library (American Society of Civil Engineers) (1995-): Provides access to over 18,000 papers from ASCE journals and proceedings. Updated monthly. (Subscription does not include access to full text of Proceedings.)
- ASME Digital Library: Provides abstracts and full-text access to regularly published journals, conferences, and e-books from The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Associations Unlimited: The premier source for associations - use this database to locate approximately 460,000 international and U.S. national, regional, state, and local nonprofit membership organizations in all fields, including IRS data on U.S. 501(c) nonprofit organizations.
Note: This database has been cancelled. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13) - ATLA Religion Databases (OSearch): Note: Access to this database has been discontinued . Please use the EBSCOHost version below. (02/01/13)
- ATLA Religion Database (EBSCOhost) (1949-): Index to articles, book reviews, and essays in religion and theology.
- Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (EBSCOhost) (1979-): Index to articles in architecture and design.
Note: This database has been cancelled. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13)
- Beethoven Bibliography Database: Indexes biographical and critical information, scores, letters, and other important documents of and about Ludwig van Beethoven. Items indexed include books, articles from scholarly and music journals, dissertations and theses, newspaper articles and reviews, and encyclopedia articles.
- Bibliography of American Literature: Nearly 40,000 records of the literary works of approximately 300 American writers from the American Revolution to 1930.
- Bibliography of Native North Americans (16th century-): Contains more than 80,000 citations for books, essays, journal articles, and government documents of the United States and Canada and covers all aspects of native North American culture, history, and life.
- Bibliography of the History of Art (1973-): Includes RILA (International repertory of the literature of art) from 1975 to 1989. Index to articles, books, and other materials in art history, covering European and American art from late antiquity to the present.
- Biography Reference Bank: Contains biographical information on approximately half a million people, from antiquity to the present, along with thousands of images.
- BIOSIS Previews (1969-present): Includes Biological Abstracts. Index and abstracts to international journal articles in biological and medical research. BIOSIS Previews also covers books and meetings.
- BIOSIS Previews (OSearch): Includes Biological Abstracts. Index and abstracts to international journal articles in biological and medical research. BIOSIS Previews also covers books and meetings.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. . Please use the Web of Knowledge version below.(02/01/13) - Business and Industry (OSearch): Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/01/13)
- Business Source Complete (1886- some full text): Index, abstracts, and full text covering scholarly business journals on management, economics, finance, accounting, international business and much more.
- CAMIO (Catalog of Art Museum Images Online): Contains fine art and decorative art from pre-history through contemporary works. All content is rights-cleared for educational use in the classroom or to illustrate papers, Web projects and other assignments.
- Chemical Abstracts (1947-present): available as part of SciFinder - Accessible from anywhere on campus once you are registered.
Register here - Users must register on campus using a current, valid CSU email address. - Chicano Database (1967-): Index to resources on Mexican-American and Latino topics.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/28/13) - China Academic Journals - F, Literature, History, Philosophy: Full text articles from hundreds of Chinese academic journals on literature/history/philosophy from 1994 to present.
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text (1937-): Index, abstracts and full-text access to the literature of nursing and allied health.
- CIS History Universe: Access to African American Studies: Full text of primary and secondary African-American studies sources from 1792-present.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (11/13/13) - ClasePeriodica: Indexes articles, essays, book reviews, reports, proceedings, etc., published in Latin American journals and other publications that focus on that region. Covers the humanities, social sciences, sciences. Most articles indexed are written in Spanish. Updated quarterly.
- Cleveland News Index: Produced by the Cleveland Public Library, indexes local news stories, feature articles and selected reviews from: the Plain Dealer, Cleveland Magazine (1983-), Northern Ohio Live (Sept. 1990-), and Ohio Magazine (Oct. 1990-). Obituaries from the Plain Dealer and the Cleveland Press are included from 1976 to the present. It consists of two parts, a news section and personal name section. Routine sports events are not indexed.
- Cleveland Orchestra Program Notes Index (1972/73-): Produced by the Cleveland Institute of Music. Continuously updated.
- Clinical Medicine and Health Research (1999-): Launched in December 1999, this website provides a place for authors to archive the full text of their completed studies - before, during, or after peer review by other agencies. Its scope is original research into clinical medicine and health.
- Columbia Granger's World of Poetry: Index to English language poetry, with the text of many poems.
- ComAbstracts (1979-): Abstracts of articles published in 42 of the primary professional journals in the communication field. Updated periodically throughout the year.
- Communication Abstracts: A comprehensive source of information about communication-related publications on a world-wide scale, Communication Abstracts covers major communication-related articles, reports, chapters, and books from a variety of publishers, research institutions, and information sources
- Communication and Mass Media Complete: Index, abstracts, and full text for journals in communication and mass media.
- Compendex (1884-) (includes Compendex Historical): Index and abstracts to engineering literature from international journals, conferences, and reports.
- Computers & Applied Sciences Complete (CASC): Provides indexing and abstracting for more than 1,300 academic journals, professional publications, and other reference sources in the areas of engineering, computer theory, and new technologies.
- Computer Source (1965): Index, abstracts, and full text of articles covering the latest information and current trends in high technology.
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (1990-): This citation index covers conference literature in all scientific and technical fields.
- Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (1990): This citation index covers conference literature in all fields of social sciences, arts, and humanities.
- Consumer Health Complete (2006-): Provides content covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic and integrated medicine.
- Contemporary Women's Issues (1992-2006): Index, abstracts, and full-text of women's studies literature from journals, newsletters, and reports.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/01/13) - Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text: (1968-): Abstracts and full text from over 500 journals as well as dissertations, new books, and reports of public and private agencies provide comprehensive coverage of the field of criminology: crime, offenders, victims, juvenile delinquency, police, courts, correction, crime prevention.
- Defining Gender (1450-1910): Five Centuries of Advice Literature Online: A collection of original documents relating to Gender Studies, sourced from libraries and archives around the world.
- Derwent Innovations Index (1963-): Provides access to more than 14,800,000 patents with links to cited and citing patents, cited articles, and full-text patent data sources.
- Digital Commons Network: Scholarship from hundreds of universities and colleges, providing open access to peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.
- Digital Resource Commons(incorporating Digital Media Center): A statewide platform that enables institutions to save, discover and share, free of charge, the instructional, research, historic and creative materials produced by the University System of Ohio and Ohio's liberal arts colleges.
- Dissertation Abstracts (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A & I) (1861-): Index to doctoral dissertations and master's theses from North America and Europe.
- Dissertations & Theses @Cleveland State University
- EBSCO eBook Collection (formerly netLibrary): Current electronic books (e-books) on many academic subjects.
- EBSCOhost Research Databases: Menu of databases provided through EBSCO Publishing.
- ECONLIT: Provides indexing and some abstracts of the literature of economics as found in journals, books, and collective volumes. Topics include economic development, forecasting, and history; fiscal and monetary theory; business and public finance; healthcare, regional and urban economics, and more.
- Economia y Negocios (early 1980s-): Contains more than 60,000 records, dating back to the early 1980s, providing coverage for over 200 Spanish and Portuguese-language periodicals in the areas of business and economics.
- Education Full Text (EBSCOhost)(1983-): Covers contemporary education issues.
- Education Research Complete: Provides access to full text education journals and also covers areas of curriculum instruction as well as administration, policy, funding, and related social issues.
- Educational Directories: Online versions of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Curriculum and Methods, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Psychology and Administration, & Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Technology.
- Electronic Journal Center: Full text of 6000+ research journals.
- Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center (2001-): Online theses and dissertations from Ohio graduate students.
- Energy Citations Database (1948-): Now called SciTech Connect.
- Engineering Village (1884-): Provides access to bibliographic databases of engineering research literature, including Compendex, as well as to patents, standards and handbooks. Databases include Compendex, Ei patents (U.S. and European patents), GEOBASE, NTIS (National Technical Information Service), and Referex (electronic books)
- English Short Title Catalogue: Lists over 460,000 items from the collections of the British Library and over 2,000 other libraries published between 1473 and 1800.
- Environment Complete: Contains all of the content available in Environment Index, as well as full text for 400 of the most used journals in the discipline, as well as full text for 80 monographs.
- ERIC (EBSCOhost Interface): Educational Resources Information Center. EBSCOhost Interface. Index and abstracts of articles, books, and documents covering education research and practice. Provides full-text for some ERIC documents.
- ERIC (Public Access Interface): Educational Resources Information Center. Public Access (.gov) Interface. Index and abstracts of articles, books, and documents covering education research and practice. Provides full-text for some ERIC documents.
- Ethnic NewsWatch (1990-): Access to full text of newspapers published by and for minority and native ethnic groups. Includes articles, editorials, columns, reviews, etc. to provide a broad diversity of perspectives and viewpoints.
- European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750: Contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples. A wide range of subject areas are covered; from natural disasters to disease outbreaks and slavery.
- Evidence Based Medicine Review: Provides content from two databases: Cochrane database of systematic reviews, and Best evidence, a database containing all the articles from ACP journal club and the articles from Evidence-based medicine.
- Expanded Academic ASAP (1980-): Index to citations in 1,000 journals with full-text access to almost 900 journals. Covers primarily humanities and social science subject areas at the undergraduate level.
- Films on Demand: Access streaming videos via Films on Demand. Users may access videos directly, as well as create personal accounts to save favorites and create play lists.
- Film & Television Literature Index with Full Text : Covers the literature about television and film writing and provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 270 publications (and selected coverage of more than 300), as well as full text for more than 70 journals and nearly 50 books.
- FIRST (Facts on International Relations and Security Trends): Offers researchers, politicians and the media an authoritative and structured factual reference system on international relations and security trends. It contains high-quality, up-to-date and clearly documented information in areas such as:conflicts, arms transfers and military expenditure, hard facts on states and international organizations, economic and social statistics and
- FRANCIS (1984-): Index to multilingual, multidisciplinary information in the humanities, social sciences, and economics.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/28/13) - Fuente Academica: This multi-disciplinary database provides full text for 260 scholarly Spanish language journals.
- Gale Virtual Reference Library: A database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
- Garden, Landscape, and Horticulture Index: Provides access to articles about gardens and plants & covers such topics as horticulture; botany; garden and landscape design & history; ecology; plant and garden conservation; garden management; and horticultural therapy.
- Gender Studies Database (1972-): Covers the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia.
- GenderWatch (1970-): Full-text collection of journals, magazines, newsletters, regional publications, books, booklets and pamphlets, conference proceedings and governmental n-g-o and special reports devoted to women's and gender issues.
- GeoRef (1978-): Index and abstracts to articles, books, maps, reports, and other literature on geology and geosciences.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/01/13) - GPO Monthly Catalog (July 1976-): Catalog of U.S. government documents.
- GreenFILE - A resource designed to help individuals and organizations interested in reducing the negative impact and increasing the positive impact they have on the environment covering content going back more than 35 years. The database includes information for individuals, such as installing solar panels and recycling; for corporations needing information on green agriculture, hybrid cars or waste management; as well as environmental laws, regulations and studies.
- Grove Art Online: Accessed through Oxford Art Online. Provides the entire text of The Dictionary of Art with constant additions of new material and updates to the text, plus extensive image links.
- Grove Music Online: Accessed through Oxford Music Online. Comprises the full text of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, and The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz.
- Hapi Online (1970-): The searchable Web version of the Hispanic American Periodicals Index. Hapi Online contains complete bibliographic citations to articles, book reviews, documents, original literary works, and other materials appearing in more than 400 key social science and humanities journals published throughout the world.
- HarpWeek: the Civil War Era and Reconstruction I (1857-1871): Page images and indexes to Harper's Weekly, covering the Civil War and Reconstruction periods.
- Health and Psychosocial Instruments (1985- ): Articles on measurement tests in health, psychosocial sciences, and organizational behavior.
- Health Source: Consumer Edition (1984-): Information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (1975-): Index, abstracts, and full text focusing on many medical disciplines, particularly nursing and allied health.
- Hein Online: Image-based collection of nearly 400 legal periodicals from inception (pre-1980 coverage unique to this service); includes charts, graphs, and photographs. Can search US Law Journal Library, most cited law journals, core U.S. law journals, and international law journals.
- Heritage of the Printed Book: Catalog of European printing of the hand-press period.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (03/31/13) - Historical Abstracts (1960-): Index and abstracts to articles covering world history from 1450 to present (excluding U.S. and Canada).
- Historical Statistics of the United States: The standard source for the quantitative facts of American history
- History of Science, Technology and Medicine (1976-): Index to journal articles, books, proceedings, and other literature in the history of science, technology and medicine, and allied historical fields.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/28/13) - Hoover's Online (1996-): Delivers information about company, industry, and market intelligence that drives business growth. The database of 12 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 40,000 of the world's top business enterprises.
- Humanities International Complete: A comprehensive database of humanities content, providing full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world and including all data from American Humanities Index and Humanities International Index.
- IBISWorld (1991-): Provides business reports in industry market research, industry risk ratings, company research, global industry research, and economic and demographic data.
- ICPSR Online: Provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction.
- IEEE Xplore (1950-): Index to the full text of IEEE publications. Subscription does not include access to IEEE Conference Proceedings.
- Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (RAMBI) (1938-): A selective bibliography of scholarly articles in Jewish studies and the land of Israel, 1938 to the present. No abstracts or full text.
- Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals (1840-1907): Index to articles from 42 art journals published in 19th century U.S.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/28/13) - INSPEC (1969-): Index and abstracts to articles, proceedings, books, and reports in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computers and computing, information technology, production, and manufacturing and mechanical engineering.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/01/13) - Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Citation Databases: (1980-): Indexes over 8,000 scholarly journals in three multidisciplinary databases: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index. Indexes may be searched separately or together. Updated weekly.
- Insurance Periodicals Index (1965-) Indexes and abstracts over 200 of the most respected and widely-read insurance industry journals and magazines.
- International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text (1984-): Index, abstracts and full text for publications on all aspects of theatre and performance.
- International Political Science Abstracts (1989-): Includes current indexing and abstracts of the world's leading journals in political science from 1989 to present.
- International Who's Who (2005-): Also known as World Who's Who, this resource contains current and hard-to-find biographical information on almost 60,000 of the most gifted, famous and influential men and women in all fields
Note: This database has been cancelled. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13) - Issues & Controversies (Facts on File) (1995-): Presents and enhances the full back file of Issues & Controversies On File, which has probed more than 600 controversial topics in the news since its debut in September 1995. Chronologies, illustrations, maps, tables, sidebars, bibliographies, and contact information augment the balanced, accurate coverage of current and historical events.
- Job & Career Accelerator: Provides personalized, step-by-step job search assistance for all levels of job seekers. Part of LearningExpress Library.
Users must first create an account onsite. - Journal Citation Reports (1999-): A comprehensive resource for journal evaluation using citation data drawn from over 8400 scholarly and technical journals worldwide in the areas of science, technology and the social sciences.
- JSTOR (1838-): Provides full text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics, and other fields of the humanities and social sciences.
- JSTOR Plant Science: Offers access to botanical resources from dozens of herbaria, libraries, museums and other research institutions. The database includes plant type specimens from herbaria around the world, scientific research articles and correspondence dating back hundreds of years, and full-text books and reference works on botany.
- Kids Search: Graphical search interface for students in grades K-5.
- Knowledge Mosaic - Provides online information resources to the securities and financial services industries
- LearningExpressLibrary : Offers practice tests, exercises, skill-building courses, and information for at school, at work, or in life objectives and an entire Learning Center dedicated to job hunting. Users must first create an account onsite.
- Legal Collection: Offers full text for nearly 250 of the world's best law journals and covers legal topics such as criminal justice, international law, federal law, organized crime, medical, labor & human resource law, ethics and the environment.
- LexisNexis Academic: Full text news, business, legal, medical, and reference information.
- Lexi-PALS Drug Guide: see AHFS Consumer Medication Information
- LGBT Life with Full Text: contains all of the content available in LGBT Life and full text for significant LGBT journals, magazines, regional newspapers as well as monographs.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text (LISTA) (1967-): Index and abstracts to publications in library and information science and technology.
- Literary Index: A master index to the major literature products published by Gale. It combines and cross-references over 165,000 author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for over 215,000 titles into one source.
- Literary Reference Center: A completely full-text literary reference database that provides a broad spectrum of reference information from antiquity to the present day.
- Mango Language Learning Center: Mango is an online language-learning system.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13) - MAS Ultra: School Edition (For high school students)(1984-): Index, abstracts, and full text for popular high school magazines.
- MasterFILE Premier (1975-): Index, abstracts, and full text covering nearly all subjects including general reference, business, health, and much more. Designed for a general (as opposed to academic) audience.
- MathSciNet (1940-): Index and summaries of articles and books on mathematical research.
- MedicLatina: Provides access to full text for nearly 100 peer-reviewed medical journals in native Spanish.
- MEDLINE with Full Text (1950-): Includes all of the content available in MEDLINE as well as cover-to-cover full text for 1,014 journals indexed as cover-to-cover in MEDLINE, including hundreds of journals not available as full text in any other EBSCO database.
- Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print : Contains descriptive information and critical reviews of more than 2,000 commercially-available standardized English-language educational, personality, aptitude, neuropsychological, achievement and intelligence tests.
- Mergentonline (2003-): Covers 10,000 public companies and their SEC filings. Includes U.S. and international annual reports.
- Middle Search Plus for middle school students(1984-): Index, abstracts, and full text for popular middle school magazines.
- MLA Directory of Periodicals: List of periodicals in literature, language, linguistics, and folklore that are covered regularly in the MLA International Bibliography.
- MLA International Bibliography: Index to articles, books, and dissertations on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
- Music Index (1979-): Provides subject and author indexing to music periodical literature. Covers over 500 journals.
- NLM Gateway (2000-): Web site offering opportunities to search a number of databases maintained by the National Library of Medicine
- NARIC's REHABDATA Literature Database (1956-): Spans almost 50 years of disability and rehabilitation research. More than 65,000 abstracts are available.
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts Database: Offers both national and international resources in the area of criminal justice and related subjects.
- Natural & Alternative Treatments: Contains evidence-based information on herbs and natural remedies and the conditions they may be used to treat, as well as known or suspected drug interactions.
- Naxos Music Library: Classical music, jazz, contemporary, world, and folk music in a comprehensive database. Over 85,000 selections plus accompanying notes and biographical information on composers and artists.
- netLibrary - became EBSCO eBook Collection (7/22/11)
- New York Times (1986- ): Covers U.S. and international affairs as well as in-depth coverage of New York City developments. Includes the New York Times Book Review and New York Times Magazine. Online version updated daily.
- New York Times (Historic) (1851-2008): Contains the full text of the New York Times from 1851 to 2008. Covers U.S. and international affairs as well as in-depth coverage of New York City developments. Includes the New York Times Book Review and New York Times Magazine.
- NewsBank: Ohio Newspapers: Online full-text for the Columbus Dispatch, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Toledo Blade, and the Dayton Daily News (as well as archives of the Cincinnati Post).
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13) - Newspaper Source (1995-): Full text for regional U.S. newspapers, international newspapers, newswires, and newspaper columns.
- OACIS for the Middle East: A continuously updated union list of journals and serials on or about the Middle East, including those available in print, microform, and online.
- OAIster: A union catalog of digital resources.
- Ohio Capitol Connection (Online) (1986-): Information about current and past legislation of the Ohio General Assembly. While the database focuses on Ohio, information about the Federal government is also available.
- Ohio Newspapers: Newsbank: Online full-text for the Columbus Dispatch, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Toledo Blade, and the Dayton Daily News (as well as archives of the Cincinnati Post).
- OhioLINK Music Center (OMC): Features more than 78,000 tracks and 21,000 works from the Naxos Music Library.
- OT Search (ask at Reference Desk for password): Provides citations and some abstracts to the literature of occupational therapy and related subject areas such as rehabilitation, education, psychiatry or psychology, and health care delivery or administration. Updated continuously.
- Oxford Art Online: Enables access and cross-search functionality to Grove and Oxford reference content in one location. Provides access to Grove Art Online, The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Includes image partnerships with ARTstor, the British Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art Images for College Teaching, Art Resource, Artists Rights Society and numerous international art galleries and artists
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography - More than 56,600 biographies of the men and women from around the world who shaped all aspects of Britain's past.
Note: This database has been cancelled. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (07/01/13) - Oxford English Dictionary - Historical dictionary of the English language.
- Oxford History of Western Music- Full text from the five-volume 2009 paperback edition of the Oxford History of Western Music by Richard Taruskin, including notes, bibliographies, and further readings for each of the 69 chapters, numerous illustrations, and 1,800 musical examples.
- Oxford Music Online: Access-point for Oxford music reference subscriptions and products, including Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, and The Oxford Dictionary of Music.
- Oxford Reference Online - Full text of over 100 dictionaries, general reference, language reference, and subject reference works from Oxford University Press.
- Oxford Scholarship Online: Cross-searchable library containing the full text of over 1,900 Oxford books.
- PapersFirst: Index of papers presented at conferences.
- Past Masters: A full text, searchable database of complete editions or selections from classics in philosophy, political science, and economics.
- Philosopher's Index (1940-): Provides citations and abstracts from books and over 270 journals on philosophy and related interdisciplinary fields published in the U.S. and the western world.
- Physical Education Index (1970-): Provides citations and abstracts from over 310 sources, including peer-reviewed journals, report literature, conference proceedings, trade magazines, patents, articles from the popular press, and many other publications. Updated monthly.
- Play Index: Index to more than 30,000 plays written from Antiquity to the present and published from 1949 to the present; includes mysteries, pageants, plays in verse, puppet performances, radio and television plays, and classic drama. All Play master records contain a link to the results of an Internet metasearch of specially selected Web sites to link to full text, criticism, and other useful information
- Points of View Reference Center (2007-): Full-text database designed to provide students with a series of essays that present multiple sides of a current issue.
- Population Index on the Web (1986-2000): Abstracts of demographic literature.
- Primary Search for primary school students (1984-): Index, abstracts, and full text for popular elementary school magazines.
- ProceedingsFirst: Index of conference proceedings.
- Professional Development Collection (1975-): Index, abstracts, and full text for professional educators.
- Project Muse: Provides access to books and journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Disciplines covered are humanities and social sciences.
- ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A & I (formerly Dissertation Abstracts) (1861-): Index to doctoral dissertations and master's theses from North America and Europe.
- ProQuest Statistical Insight: Access to statistical information produced by U.S. Federal agencies, States, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations.
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (1961-): Index, abstracts, and full text covering topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods.
- PsycINFO (Includes PsycINFO Historic): Index and abstracts of articles, books, chapters, dissertations, and reports in psychology.
- Public Administration Abstracts - Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to public administration, including public administration research, public administration theory, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
- PubMed (1950s-): A service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, it provides access to over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. Includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.
- PubMed Central: An Archive of Life Science Journals : PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Library of Medicine's online archive of life sciences journal literature. There is free access to available journals which are listed on the first screen.
- ReferenceUSA - Provides real-time access to directory information for 10.5 million businesses. Locate every business in the U.S. by company name, location, or type of business. In addition to contact information, ReferenceUSA provides full corporate affiliation linkage, multiple contact names, FAX and toll free numbers, single point mapping, and credit ratings.
- Regional Business News latest 30 days: A full text newswire database that incorporates business wires from all over the world.
- Religion and Philosophy Collection (1974-): Index, abstracts, and full text covering such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.
- RIA Checkpoint (199?-): Contains both current and archival tax research materials, including a complete library of federal, state, local and international tax materials, RIA's analysis, daily updates of cases and rulings, WG&L treatises and journals and Tax Analysts' TaxBase.
- RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (1969-): Index and abstracts of articles, books, dissertations, conferences, and other literature on music.
- Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (1992-): Index and abstracts in Slavic studies, covering articles, books, and other literature on social sciences and humanities.
Note: Access to this database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/28/13) - Safari Tech Books Online: Electronic books in computer science, information technology, and related fields.
- Science Citation Index [via Web of Science] (1980-): Index, abstracts, and cited references for articles in the sciences.
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database (1878-): Provides over 50,000 citations to historical articles, criticism, commentary, fan writings and some reviews relating to science fiction, fantasy, horror, supernatural and weird fiction.
- Science Online (Facts on File) (2004-): Database containing thousands of diagrams, definitions, biographies, essays, and experiments covering the sciences.
- Science Reference Center: Topics covered include: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
- ScienceDirect: Web database for scientific research that contains abstracts, tables of contents, and full-text of articles in the sciences, technology, medicine and social sciences.
- SciFinder - Accessible from anywhere on campus once you are registered.
Register here - Users must register on campus using a current, valid CSU email address. - Scitation -Mechanical and civil engineering and physics (1957-): Provides citations to conference proceedings, standards, online portals, nearly 600,000 journal articles, and more.
- SciTech Connect - SciTech Connect is a portal to free, publicly-available DOE-sponsored R & D results including technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information. SciTech Connect is a consolidation of two core DOE search engines, the Information Bridge and the Energy Citations Database.
- Scopus (2004-): Abstract and citation database covering chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering, life and health sciences, social sciences, psychology and economics, biological, agricultural and environmental sciences.
- Searchable Abstracts of ACI Publications (American Concrete Institute) (1929-): Index to articles published in ACI journals, technical documents, and proceedings.
- Searchasaurus (for elementary and middle school students): Graphical interface for elementary and middle school students.
- Social Sciences Citation Index (1980-): Index, abstracts, and cited references for articles in the social sciences.
- Social Sciences Full Text (1983-): Covers over 500 English-language periodicals in the Social Sciences. Full text of 163 periodicals available from 1995 to present. Updated monthly.
- Social Work Abstracts (1977- ): Provides indexing with abstracts to more than 35,000 records to social work and other related journals on such topics as homelessness, AIDS, child and family welfare, aging, substance abuse, legislation, and community organization.
- SocINDEX with Full Text (1901- ): Index, abstracts, and full text for publications in sociology.
- Sociological Collection (1965- ): Comprehensive database with nearly 580 full text titles providing information on all areas of sociology, including social behavior, human tendencies, interaction, relationships, community development, culture and social structure.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text (1800-): A comprehensive, bibliographic and full-text database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, sports medicine, sports science, physical education, coaching and training and featuring more than 240 full text titles.
- Standard & Poor's Net Advantage (1999-): A comprehensive source of business and investment information, offering on-line access to popular Standard & Poor's research products such as Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Corporation Records, The Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives, The Outlook, Mutual Fund Reports among others.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States: A comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
- Statistical Insight (Proquest): Access to statistical information produced by U.S. Federal agencies, States, private organizations, and major intergovernmental organizations.
- Student Research Center: Graphical search interface for students in grades 6-12.
- Teacher Reference Center : A bibliographic index of more than 260 titles from teacher and administration trade journals, periodicals, and books providing coverage on topics such as assessment, best practices, continuing education, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, instructional media, language arts, literacy standards, school administration, science and mathematics, teacher education, and more.
- Tests in Print : Now included with Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print (10/1/10)
- THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet: provides several options for finding bills, resolutions, and legislative histories from 1973 to the present and is also the source for presidential nominations, treaties, committee reports, legislative resources.
- TOPICsearch: Full text covering social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today's classrooms.
- TRID Online (1972-): From the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
- Ulrichweb: Global Serials Directory (1932-): An authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all typesacademic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more from around the world.
- Urban Studies Abstracts: Includes bibliographic records covering essential areas related to urban studies, including urban affairs, community development, urban history, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Records are selected from many of the top titles within the discipline, including Journal of Urban Affairs, Urban Studies, and Canadian Journal of Urban Research.
- ValueLine (1998-): Provides investment research on stocks, mutual funds, options and convertibles.
- Vente et Gestion: Provides full text coverage for French language business journals serving both the academic and the professional researcher.
- Viva Database (1995-): Provides a listing of articles about women's and gender history selected from more than 90 European and American journals. Many of the articles are not in English. Updated bimonthly.
- Vocational and Career Collection (1985-):Index, abstracts, and full text for 350 trade and industry related periodicals.
- Wall Street Journal (1984-): Contains full text articles from the Wall Street Journal from January 2, 1984 through today's issue. Browse issues, or search for terms in citation, abstract, or article text.
- Water Resources Abstracts (1967- ): Covers water resources as treated in the life, physical and social sciences including characteristics, supply condition, conservation, control, use, or management.
- Web of Knowledge: A platform with integrated access to five databases (Web of Science with Conference Proceedings, Derwent Innovations Index, BIOSIS previews, MEDLINE, and Journal Citation Reports) in sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities
- Web of Science with Conference Proceedings(1965-present): Citation database with multidisciplinary coverage of over 10,000 high-impact journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as international proceedings coverage for over 120,000 conferences.
- WG&L Financial Reporting & Management (199?-): Provides financial compliance information services to financial professionals in both public and private corporations covering controllership, financial management, GAAP compliance, internal auditing, SEC compliance, corporate finance weekly update, AICPA, FASB, GASB, PCAOB, and SEC reference library.
- Women's Studies International (1972-): Covers the core disciplines in Women’s Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research.
- Women Writers Online (1400-1850): Searchable database of American and English full text writings by women from 1400-1850.
- WorldCat : Catalog of books and other materials held by libraries worldwide.
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (1975-2006): Index and abstracts to journal articles in political science, international relations, law, and public administration / policy. Note: This database has been discontinued. Please choose another database or ask a Librarian for assistance. (02/01/13)
- zbMATH: Provides coverage of international mathematical research published in the years 1868 through the present. Abstracts only.